
Monday, February 27, 2012

while thinking about future...

I've been taking vacation for a while to clear my head. I've been exposed to way too much stress, and being with my partner wasn't helpful at all. So I decided to go home for around 10 days. While being there, I tried to think what to do next for my career and for personal life. At the same time I was studying digital painting. Here are the collection of work I did.

Color study in Photoshop:

...with CS2 and no pressure sensitivity. I was using really old laptop and tablet. I couldn't figure out how to set up driver for the ancient tablet (10 years old or something)...

Figure drawings and doodles on sketchbook with pencil:

Anyways, I'm flying back to work today. I think some of the decisions I made over this vacation is probably not good for me, but that's my life... It never gets easy nor the best. Whoever made me wants me to suffer all the time, and that's fine. I'm used to it now.


  1. ああ、堪らん。クロッキー画集みたいなのあったら欲しい位ッ!!!そして、やはりプロなのだと感じます。私も頑張らなきゃと、いつも感じさせてくれる。ありがとう。

    1. ありがとうー!いやいやまだまだ修行中です。一緒に頑張っていきましょう :)

  2. Replies
    1. ああ!ありがとうございます!帰宅したんでまたドラゴンのほう再開します。
